A company’s brand or symbol is the result of rigorous branding and visual communication studies carried out by strategy, marketing and design professionals.
The objective is to achieve its own personality and a differentiated image for the company.
We, at Hurosco, work on managing the brand constantly, as we consider it an increasingly important strategic asset to achieve our growth and internationalization goals.

We Help The World

Symbol and Logo
Our brand is a composition between symbol and logo. The dissociated use of these elements is prohibited, except in special cases.
a – SYMBOL: Assists in quick visual brand recognition.
b – LOGO: Enunciates and represents.

The brand has two signatures: horizontal and the symbol. The proper choice is defined by the format of the materials.
a – HORIZONTAL SIGNATURE: The symbol on the left with the logo on the right.

Signatures Examples
a – HORIZONTAL: Use the horizontal signature on horizontal format materials.
b – VERTICAL: Use the symbol centered on vertical materials that are at least 3 times their width.

Signature ExamplesSignature Examples

The colored mark has three patterns, and must be used on all materials that Hurosco hasthe control of creation. It is important to note that it can only be applied on a white background.

The Pantone® standard is used on materials that require high color accuracy. It is the color reference for adjusting printing to the CMYK standard, for color definition on vinyls, automotive colors, fabrics and other substrates.
It is used for production materials such as signboards, gifts, stationery and bags.
Blue H: 280C / Black: 2336C

CMYK standard is suitable for the production of materials such as manuals, brochures, guides, reports, among others.
Reproduction is possible in the most diverse printing media.
Blue H: C100 M89 Y24 K19 / Black: C0 M0 Y0 K100

The digital standard should be used when the media is electronic: computer, TV, phones, tablets etc.
The values indicated in the table are in RGB, suitable for use in videos, and in hexadecimal (DIGITAL), for use on web pages or any computer language that uses this color pattern.
Blue H: R0 G40 B20 / Black: R35 G31 B32
Blue H: 002878 / Black: 231F20

Monochrome Branding
The monochromatic brand has two patterns, and should only be used:
– in cases where Hurosco does not have control over the creation to define the use of the white background; or
– on materials with technical restrictions on the use of colors.

Hurosco Monochrome brandingHurosco Monochrome branding

Non-interference Area
There is a minimum distance between the mark and any element that may interfere with its visualization, as indicated.
To protect the legibility of the brand, there is a safety area which is determined by the height (x) of the letters “H” of the symbol.
The protection area = Letter H (x)/3.

Non-interference AreaNon-interference Area

Colored Backgrounds
On colored backgrounds, use the monochromatic mark as determined in the standards.

Colored backgroundsColored backgroundsColored backgrounds

The ‘H’ and Logo in scale
